Juliana Garcia
Academic Coach
I support students in learning valuable study skills, time management strategies, and organizational techniques to complete assignments and manage responsibilities. As a part of the Neema team, I know that mental health concerns can significantly impact academic performance. I am available to collaborate with a student's parents, therapist, or school counselor as needed. I seek to provide encouragement and accountability to help students learn to create the habits and structure needed to achieve their academic goals.
At Neema Counseling, our main goal is to serve our clients in all taxing aspects of life, and I am thrilled to assist our team as we aid and encourage our clients through trying times. Life can challenge individuals in many ways, and I am excited to individually provide students with the academic guidance and support they may need to manage responsibilities in their daily life. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from The University of Texas, and am currently pursuing graduate studies in Speech-Language Pathology.
When I am not serving our clients, I enjoy practicing yoga, hiking, cooking, and reading. I am thankful to be a part of this wonderful community and team at Neema Counseling.